50 Lessons I Learned While Parenting That Anyone Can Apply To Life
50 Lessons I Learned While Parenting That Anyone Can Apply To Life, is the parenting book for the new age! Written in a delightfully fun yet straight forward approach, this is the conversation every parent would hope to have before embarking out into their parenting journey!
Far from the typically dry and impersonal "How to parent" dissertation style books, this is a heart to heart that blends self help, hope, enjoyment and practical awareness to life's most pressing and casual occurrences!
Holli Ann is a self described "Unlikely mother, that fell deeply in love within her surprise role of becoming a mom!" Having raised three happy and successful young adults, she recounts fifty life lessons that she has learned along the journey.
Readers are guided through lessons built around the author's personal stories, humor, vulnerability, and motivational insights. Parents and their children are encouraged towards purposeful self discovery, resilience and artfully designed disciplines that create mutual respect, closeness and teamwork within the family unit!
This book reads as an entertaining discussion from a friend that genuinely cares for each family member. Readers will find a creative and hopeful mentor within the pages that wishes to inspire other parents to enjoy their own life journey while equipping them with the knowledge on how to raise confident, kind and excitedly optimistic offspring in the process!